A close up of some red fruit hanging from a tree
The Health Benefits of the Pomegranate

As with Grapes and citron the active ingredients in pomegranates can we taken through the skin and not just orally.

Improves Skin Quality – As pomegranates are rich in tannins and fatty acids that help tighten and tone the skin, as well as repairing the dermis both on the skin’s surface and in deeper in the skin layers. Pomegranates also stimulate collagen production.

High Iron Content – Iron, is an essential mineral as it aids in the transport of oxygen all over the body. If you don’t have enough iron in your blood you can become fatigued and feel weak and sluggish.

Anti-Aging – Pomegranates, have been called the elixir of youth as they are loaded with antioxidants that help prevent and reverse aging by destroying free radicals so slowing down the aging process

High in Vitamin C and Potassium – Vitamin C has been shown to been key in boosting collagen levels which helps the skin and hair repair. In addition, it supports the immune system, heart health, increasing support for the kidneys heart, kidneys and other organs.

Other Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Anti-Cancer Benefits – Touted for their anti-cancer effects by reducing blood supply to tumor cells which in turn stop them from spreading. It also reduces PMA levels which is beneficial to men as this is a big component in prostate cancer.

Protect Against Osteoarthritis – Studies have discovered that pomegranate fruit extracts have the ability to block enzymes that degrade cartilage in diseases like osteoarthritis

Help Fight Nausea and Morning Sickness – They soothe the tummy and help reduce nausea.

Dental Protection – Helps fight off gum disorders and restores enamel and the overall health of your teeth

Potent Anti-Inflammatory – Inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which play a large role in the inflammatory response

Reduces Blood Pressure – Studies have found that drinking only 50ml (around 1/4 cup) of pomegranate juice daily for up to 1 year can significantly reduce systolic blood pressure by 5-21%

Lowers Cholesterol Levels – help reduce and remove the build up of plaque on arteries lowering bad the dreaded LDL cholesterol

Helps Improve Memory – Studies have shown that individuals who consumed 8 ounces of pomegranate juice every day for four weeks found significant improvement in their verbal memory tests, as well as increased brain activity during memory and verbal testing.

Immune System Booster – High levels of Vitamin C and E keeps our bodies in check and fights against viruses and bacteria

Today, pomegranate juice is being studied for its many health benefits.