A close up of grapes with water droplets on them

The Health Benefits of Grapes

Harvard Medical School researchers in a recent study have confirmed that the compound Resveratrol, which is an antioxidant found in dark skinned fruits (specifically grapes), may help improve slow down the process of aging.

Resveratrol is a naturally-occurring polyphenol. It is an antimicrobial compound that is produced by plants to protect them from tough environments like excessive ultraviolet light, infections and climate changes.

A March 8 study published in Science, showed that resveratrol stimulates production of SIRT1, a serum that blocks diseases by speeding up the cell’s energy production centers known as mitochondria.

Researchers have also figured out which gene allows resveratrol to produce SIRT1, and believe that some drugs currently in clinical trials may be able to provide the same anti-aging benefits as well. David Sinclair, Harvard Medical School professor of genetics stated in a press release that “Almost all drugs either slow or block them.

Resveratrol has been linked to protection against obesity and diabetes, a reduced risk for blood clotting and a way to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, due to the compound’s ability to dilate blood vessels, increase nitric oxide and block the stickiness of platelets.

These new resveratrol treatments work by soaking in through your skin. Well the good news is that by using our product you will get a healthy dose each time you use our products and the benefits will be cumulative over time.

Other Potential health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes can help with weight loss or management – Grapes are a low-calorie, fat-free food with a low glycemic index. Resveratrol a key antioxidant in grapes, is thought to help trigger certain reactions that may improve energy metabolism.

Grapes Are a Source of Vitamin K and Vitamin C
– Vitamin K supports healthy bones and tissues, while the antioxidant vitamin C promotes healing and helps your body absorb iron.

Grapes are an anti-inflammatory food – The antioxidants in grapes may reduce cellular damage by protecting cell membranes. Eating about 1 to 2 cups of grapes per day can help shield your tissues by limiting the chemical reactions that trigger inflammation in your body.

Grapes Can Help Your Skin – Specific phytonutrients found in grapes may help protect us from the effects of ultraviolet light radiation, according to some studies.

Brain Health – Grape polyphenols may boost cognition and protect your brain by maintaining vascular health and function preventing cognitive decline

Grapes can lower your risk of diabetes – Resveratrol, one of immune-boosting antioxidants found in grapes, are linked to improving blood sugar regulation by affecting carbohydrate metabolism.

Grapes are Hydrating – Grapes are 82% water. Proper hydration is directly linked to skin appearance, cell regeneration, and overall health. Grapes can help your skin stay hydrated too.

Eating Grapes Can Reduce the Risk of Some Cancers
– Grapes are a high-antioxidant food and these types of foods are linked to a lower risk of some cancers by protecting cellular DNA, reducing oxidative stress, and limiting reactions that initiate tumor growth and development.