The Mighty Grape
Four purple grapes are shown with one cut in half.

Harvard Medical School researchers in a recent study have confirmed that compound resveratrol that’s found in red wine does provide anti-aging benefits. The study shows that a compound found in red wine called resveratrol, which is an antioxidant found in dark skinned fruits (specifically grapes), may help improve slow down the process of aging.

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The Power Of Pomegranates
A close up of some red pomegranates hanging from a tree

The Power Of Pomegranates

The Health Benefits of the Pomegranate
As with Grapes and citron the active ingredients in pomegranates can we taken through the skin and not just orally.

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For The Love Of Lemons
A close up of two pieces of fruit

For The Love Of Lemons

The citron is really a big fragrant citrus fruit and has a much thicker rind than other citrus. It’s among the four original citrus fruits from which most other citrus types developed through natural hybrid speciation or artificial hybridization.

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The Healing Potency Of Oils
A group of yellow bubbles floating in the air.

The Healing Potency Of Oils

Lemon oil has been used as far back as the Faro’s. Lemon oil as with the juice has many active properties but Lemon oil does more for your hair and scalp than just boosting natural highlights.

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Super Power Ingredients

Divineê has brought the purest ingredients together to create a superior product line. Not just in appearance and smell but as a treatment for your skin and hair

Grapes, Citron and Pomegranate are super stars on their own as far a micronutrients go, but they also share a lot in common. All of them contain antioxidants that help prevent and reverse aging by destroying free radicals which slows down the aging process. They also contain large amounts of vitamin C which helps promote collagen in your body that provides strength and structure to your hair. It also helps prevent hair loss, fights dandruff, promotes hair growth, reduces split ends, and increases the texture of your hair making it appear thicker, and glossier.

Grapes give an extra punch as they contain Resveratrol that provides anti-aging benefits and may help slow down the process of aging, as per current research. Resveratrol is a naturally-occurring polyphenol, which is an antimicrobial compound that is produced by plants to protect them from tough environments like excessive ultraviolet light, infections and climate changes. Resveratrol stimulates production of SIRT1, a serum that blocks diseases by speeding up the cell’s energy production centers.

Divineê has blended all of these benefits into one product line which is literally an

“Antioxidant for the hair”