A close up of two pieces of fruit on a table

The Health benefits of Citron

The citron is really a big fragrant citrus fruit and has a much thicker rind than other citrus. It’s among the four original citrus fruits from which most other citrus types developed through natural hybrid speciation or artificial hybridization.

Citrus fruits are known not only for their high vitamin C content but also for their fragrance explaining their popularity in aromatherapy oils

In addition to oral consumption, you can also use vitamin C topically (like a serum) and reap the benefits. The serum stimulates collagen and protects the skin from other damaging factors like pollution. When it comes to skin health, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is right on top of the list of nutrients that you need to keep your skin looking young.

Everybody wants soft, shiny, and healthy hair? One of the nutrient’s that can help you realize the hair of your dreams is Vitamin C, and Citron is packed full of it!

Some Outstanding Hair Benefits of Citrus Fruits Include

Prevention of Hair Loss/ Strengthens Hair – Vitamin C helps promote collagen in your body that is part of a system that provides strength and structure to your hair and prevents hair loss.

Fights Dandruff – When applied to your hair, the acidic nature of lemon juice helps deep clean your scalp and get rid of all that unwanted dandruff. It also reduces the dullness in your hair and makes your hair look thicker and shinier
Enhances Hair Growth – Low intake of Vitamin C may be a root cause for a number of hair-related problems that affect our hair growth. Vitamin C deficiency may result in dry hair and split ends. These conditions are unfavorable for the regular growth of hair and eventually lead to hair loss.

Antioxidant for the Hair – When our body turns food that we consume into glucose for energy production, free radicals are naturally formed. These free radicals damage our hair by making it weak, brittle and thin which interrupts hair growth. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties reduce the formation of free radicals and minimizes their effect on our body. Having an adequate supply of Vitamin C in our diet and in topical form is essential for antioxidant protection against free radicals

Prevents Premature Greying of the Hair – Vitamin C not only helps combat hair loss, some studies have suggested that it also helps retain the natural color by preventing the premature aging of hair

As well as being a big boost for hair Citron has many other benefits related to optimum health. Its impossible to list them all but here are a few key ones

Other Health Benefits of Citrus

xcellent natural pain reliever Anti-Inflammatory
Efficient against heartburn
Good for colds – It assists in and lower the seriousness of respiratory infections like colds in addition to speeding healing while boosting immunity
Offers anticancer protection – Consuming fresh vitamin C-rich foods like citron can give rise to better health and cancer
Maintains healthy teeth and gums
Promotes cardiovascular health – Good quantities of potassium as well as magnesium, two dietary minerals of unimaginable importance to prevent coronary disease.
Regulates blood pressure levels – The dietary fiber found in citrus fruits contains pectin that binds with cholesterol and helps flush it out of the body
Aids in the treatment of Osteoarthritis – According to the Arthritis Foundation, vitamin C can help prevent some forms of arthritis.
Enhances eye health – Evidence also suggests that vitamin C intake can lower the risk of cataracts.
Help reduce stress
Helps treat allergies – It is important to know that allergies are caused when your body releases histamine, a biochemical. Vitamin C intake reduces the release of histamine, thereby preventing allergies.

Helps regulate blood sugar – Regular intake of supplementary vitamin C (1000 mg) was shown to regulate blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Vitamin C can also prevent diabetes-related damage to your blood vessels.
Improves your mood – Studies on hospitalized patients have proved that taking adequate amounts of vitamin C can improve mood.
Aids in weight loss – Getting adequate vitamin C increases the oxidation of body fat during exercise. It enhances metabolism, and this aids weight loss.
Boosts energy – Vitamin C was found to help you push through the pain barrier and eliminate fatigue.
Aids in Collagen production – Vitamin C is a required component for the production of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, both of which are needed to bind the molecules that produce collagen. This, in turn, firms and tones the skin. Collagen rejuvenates the skin from the roots and reduces wrinkles and symptoms of aging.
Protects against skin discoloration – Vitamin C protects DNA from photochemical reactions that can lead to tumor, skin discoloration, and several kinds of skin cancer and, lightens dark discoloration like skin freckles and age spots and helps you get younger and smoother skin.
Improves skin texture – Collagen also provides the structure for the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients that’s keeps skin healthy.
Hydration – The super high water content of citrus fruits ensures that your thirst is fully quenched and you feel full without having to load up on calories.